

February 2018

Friday 9 February 2018

Cinema Verde International Environmental Film and Arts Festival Ninth Annual

Fri 9 Feb to Sun 11 Feb. Hippodrome, 25 SE 2 Place, Gainesville, 32601. Trish Riley, 352-327-3560. Cinema Verde - [CinemaVerder][email][events]

February 8 to 9: The Hippodrome State Theatre, 25 SE 2nd Place
February 10 - 11: Heartwood Soundstage, 619 S. Main Street

Sponsorship Opportunities: We are rocking into gear to create the best Cinema Verde ever, and you can be a part of it and help! Get involved and enjoy it with us.

VIP Opening Night

Receptions/Food each afternoon/evening

Festival Hotel (Prefer one place for visiting directors to stay together to facilitate discussions, friendships, transportation to venues and events. Nearest hotels: Hampton Inn, Wyndham, Florida Lodge…)

Transportation: Green cars to provide lifts for attendees to various events; or vehicles for staff volunteers to use to transport attendees to/fro events and for other festival tasks; or Green Van or Bus to transport guests.

Filmmaker Sponsors: Underwrite travel and accommodations for filmmakers to attend - many are international.

Film License Sponsor: Underwrite film submission fees for filmmakers who request waivers (Please let me know if you have any ideas - this one needs to be addressed ASAP so we can review several films with outstanding fee waiver requests)*

Film sponsors: Underwrite specific screening and participate in discussion following.

There will be other sponsorship opportunities, of course.

We have been receiving many film submissions, but also a lot of filmmakers asking for waivers on the nominal submission fee we charge to cover the cost of advertising the call for films. Last year I had to decline the requests (many of which came from Iran and other countries where they say they are not able to transmit funds out of the country), which saddens me greatly because those are some of the ones that have the most dramatic and under-published true tales of environmental concern, and our goal at Cinema Verde is to help bring such issues to the attention of the public, which is the only way anyone would begin to consider helping to address such issues.

I am seeking a Sponsor to underwrite existing and incoming submissions which include a waiver request. Sponsors receive various negotiable benefits depending on their level of contribution: http://www.cinemaverde.org/support/. Please let me know how you can help. Trish@CinemaVerde.org

JOIN Cinema Verde EcoCoalition

Environmental Organizations, Sustainable Businesses, Individuals
We will form an EcoCoalition to broaden our reach and
Strengthen our Successes.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has," Margaret Mead

* Shared Environmental Meeting and Events Calendar
* Environmental Organization Newsletters and News
Members of the EcoCoalition will have access to a broad network of events, meetings, news, and the following benefits:
* Shared Calendar and Newsletters
* Ad discounts on GoGreenNation.org and in Cinema Verde Festival Program
* EcoFair tabling discounts
* Sponsor discounts and special partner benefits
* VIP ACCESS to all Cinema Verde Events
* Links to Calendar and Newsletters on CinemaVerde.org

Please extend this invitation to your environmental groups and interested others.

Join Cinema Verde EcoCoalition

Now More Than Ever working together is the best way to change our environmental future.
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